Home Renovation Series 1

Home Renovation Series Part 1

Renovations are an exciting time and experience for property owners. Properties that have been remodelled with high-quality materials, have an immediate interest and appeal, in any real estate market, . Doing the right renovations may add significant value, to your Real Estate Property.

Here is a little introduction to some popular materials and types of renovations, that homeowners, renovators, designers, and home flippers are choosing to enhance property appeal, and add economic value.

We will be releasing renovation blogs periodically, so stay tuned and subscribe for updates. 

 Part 1 of the Renovation Series

1. Bamboo Flooring 


Bamboo flooring has become increasingly more popular and is being used as an alternative to laminate and hardwood flooring. Modern floor engineering techniques allow Bamboo Wood to be formed into a wide variety of beautiful presentations. The Colour, Finish options, and durability are similar to traditional wood floors, however, Bamboo is much more environmentally friendly.

Bamboo is actually a rapidly growing grass, that is harvested every five to seven years, unlike hardwood species used for flooring, that maybe 50-100 years old, before saleable. This amazing plant regenerates itself without needing to be replanted, with minimal use of pesticides or fertilizers. Being on the fastest growing plants on Earth, it has been measured as growing as fast as 100cm in a 24-hour period. After being laminated into sheets and plants, it is finished into luxurious flooring. This quality of Bamboo flooring varies between manufacturers. The sturdiest products fulfill their claims as being three times (3x) harder than oak hardwood. 

At HomeLife, we strongly believe in the importance of initiatives to help the environment. Under H.E.L.P, HomeLife’s environmental leadership program, for every home we sell, we plant a tree.


2. Marble

Marble BackSplash

Marble BackSplash

Marble is a beautiful addition to any high-end renovation project. With its unique random appearance and natural veins adds warmth and elegance to your flooring, countertops, backsplash, etc. Marble Countertops has its inherent elegance, timelessness, and the ability to reflect light, definitely adds an element of dressiness to a kitchen. In many parts of Europe, the scratches, discoloring and wear marks found on stone countertops are considered signs of character and personality.

Marble may be susceptible to the acid found in many foods and can be tarnished easily by oil and chemical cleaning products. Therefore, it should receive the application of sealants and conditioning products. Marble This material has become a very popular item in Luxury Homes and is used widely by renovators and home flippers, because of its beauty and the economic value it provides to real estate.


Marble Countertop

3. Window Repair or Replacement


Windows are an important element to any real estate. Creating an inviting exterior, and a peek into the decor inside your home. Windows play an important role in Curb Appeal, Energy Efficiency in your home, and reducing outdoor noises. 

Investing in High-Quality windows can help insulate heat, keep moisture out, and drastically reduce heating costs. Double-pane or double-glazed windows have two layers of glass which help slow drafts and reduce leaks. This is an important upgrade for Canadians, as winter can be harsh on your home. Installing windows with higher panes (such as triple pane) are excellent at reducing noise, especially for Properties that are near busy streets or highways. A simple repair like sealing cracks can be more affordable and at the same time, improve efficiency. Modern finishings on your windows can create curb appeal and may increase the resale value of your property. 


4. Roofing Systems

Chimney Cap

When your fireplace is not in use, warm air inside your home is forced out through the chimney during the Cold weather. Chimney Caps are about saving Energy, and keeping the chimney air tight when it is not in use.

Traditionally shingles are made of various materials such as wood, slate, flagstone, metal, asphalt, plastic, stone, ceramic, etc. Energy efficient shingles are reflective in assorted colours, from popular slate finish to wood tines. These shingles reflect the suns radiation but also reemit the heat that may be absorbed by the roof. While you are replacing the roof shingles, it is also a good time to install low-maintenance gutters if they are misaligned, or causing gutter blocks. Installing curved hood gutters, are designed to be completely maintenance free. The design also allows rainwater to efficiently travel down the gutter while completely deflecting leaves, or large debris. This prevents clogs and gutter overflow from happening. 

Curved Roof Gutters

Curved Roof Gutters

ridge vents.jpg

Ridge Vents

The small vents, allowing air to prevents attic heat builup

This Concludes our Renovation Series 1, stay tuned for Part 2 of our Blog Series.