Food Donation and Emergency Supplies

Our Team Believes that it is should a Fundamental Human Right for every single Citizen, in the world to have the basic necessities of life such as food, Nourishment, and emergency care . During Natural Emergencies, Political Warfare, Pandemics, and most World Issues, there should be basic needs provided to everyone.

When the government officials have failed to address these issue effectively, and do not understand the underlying cause of these issues, it is a loss to the security and care for citizens. When Medicine is in the hands of the wrong powerful people, it defeats the purpose of Good Health and Humanity.

We Kindly ask everyone reading to donate non-perishable food items, Emergency First Aid Kits, and Items at any brokerage across the Province. Please Contact Us for a List of Locations and Donation Boxes across Ontario. We encourage you to Donate, and help out someone in need whenever you can. Our Donations go out to Local and International Charities, that help people all over the world.